Coach (noun): An instructor or trainer in sport.
Coach (verb): To train, instruct or advice.
Having a coach is not something reserved only for performing artists, elite athletes or business executives.
Everyone is being coached at one point or another.
The questions is who or what are you being coached by.
Some are being coached by their peers who tell them to play it safe, to not stick out and to just follow the rules. In essence, they are being trained to be and to stay mediocre.
Some are being coached by friends who tell them that it’s not worth it to step out and take the risk because it’s too dangerous. In essence, they are being trained to remain passive in the face of opportunities.
Some are being coached by mass advertising which tell them that they can spend money they don’t have for things they don’t need to impress people who don’t really care. In essence, they are being trained to keep up with the Joneses and to be stuck in the pursuit of material possessions.
Some are being coached by certain TV programs or the news which tell them that the world is a really dangerous place and things are out there to kill them. In essence, they are being trained to be perpetually fearful and on edge.
Some are being coached by Uncle Bob who sits on the couch the whole day telling them that everything’s all right, they can take it easy and the government is always there to support them. In essence, they are being trained to be soft, complacent and dependent on the system, instead of stepping up to take ownership of their own situations.
Some are being coached by their manager who believes that they can be better than him and that it is their duty to thrive, excel and succeed in all that they do. In essence, they are being trained to take full ownership of their responsibilities, to go above and beyond and to strive for the exceptional, not just the acceptable.
“You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn
Who you spend the most time with determines who has the most influence on you, which results in the kind of training and instruction you receive.
So who are you hanging out with?
If you spend enough time with 5 fitness junkies, you will become the 6th.
If you spend enough time with 5 entrepreneurs, you will become the 6th.
If you spend enough time with 5 millionaires, you will become the 6th.
If you spend enough time with 5 idiots, you will become the 6th.
Pay careful attention to your mental and social input/diet.
You are meant for greatness – so protect your mind!
Who or what is coaching you then?