November 26, 2015
How to run your meetings like Steve Jobs
A survey revealed that people spend 6.5 hours a week on meetings - almost a full work day. Here's how Steve Jobs does meetings instead.
0 Comments4 Minutes
November 13, 2015
8 things to do after being retrenched
Being made redundant is one of the most undesirable things that can happen to a professional, but it's not the end of the world.
2 Comments10 Minutes
November 10, 2015
5 reasons why we need to pause and reflect
In life, there's always work coming in and things to do, and it's so easy to be overwhelmed at the end of the day. Therefore, it's important to slow down, take a pit stop to pause…
0 Comments5 Minutes
November 2, 2015
4 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Every Day
How do you start your day? By rushing to check off your to-do list? Why not ask yourself these 4 questions to make the most of your day?
0 Comments4 Minutes
October 25, 2015
Top 10 Resume Mistakes
While the job search process is tough, this is no excuse for making avoidable mistakes while crafting and sending out your resume.
0 Comments7 Minutes
October 15, 2015
Is your boss insecure? Ask these 10 questions to find out.
Are you often micro-managed and feel that your every single move is being watched? If so, you might have an insecure boss.
0 Comments3 Minutes
October 6, 2015
How to Thrive with Little Sleep
We've all experienced those sleep-deprived days. We can either end up as the walking dead or choose to seize and conquer the day.
0 Comments5 Minutes
October 2, 2015
How my values statement prevented potential road rage
1.34am, east-bound in the Melbourne CBD. He tailgated me, high beamed me and stopped beside me at the lights. We made strong eye contact and he did some hand gestures.
0 Comments5 Minutes
September 24, 2015
Screw TGIF and Low Expectations
It's so easy for us to proclaim "Thank God it's Friday" in light of the weekends approaching. We can definitely do better than this.
0 Comments3 Minutes
September 19, 2015
10 Ways to be more Confident (Infographic)
While some are born confident, others aren't. But like any other skill, confidence is something which can be stretched and developed.
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