June 25, 2016
How Alex got a job without even sending a single resume
Most people apply for jobs the conventional way - sitting behind a computer and adopting the spray-and-pray approach to sending out resumes/applications. Here's how Alex, an…
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May 31, 2016
Why stepping out of your comfort zone is so darn good for you
Earlier today, I had a 30min phone call with an editor from Business Insider Australia. The conversation went smoothly not only because I was sure of the topics but because of…
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May 25, 2016
What a kid who spilled milk taught me about naysayers
Once upon a time, a kid in Sunday School accidentally spilled milk on the floor. What unfolded was a lesson about naysayers.
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April 30, 2016
What do you choose?
Life is all about choices. And we are the result of the combination of choices and decisions we have made.
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February 21, 2016
Why you shouldn’t rest on your laurels
Because somewhere out there, someone could be desperately trying and working to put you out of business.
0 Comments5 Minutes
January 13, 2016
How Roneil got a job at Oracle through networking
Many say that networking is the best way to get a job. This is how Roneil got his at Oracle, even though the job was originally meant for experienced hires.
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December 15, 2015
6 Benefits of having Great Company
They say that we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with. Here's what having great company can do for you.
0 Comments6 Minutes
December 7, 2015
7 reasons to call the company before your job interview
Going for a job interview soon? Don't just research the company online - do this and get an extra edge over the other candidates.
0 Comments7 Minutes
December 1, 2015
6 reasons why you are and will stay jobless
The harsh truth on why some people are jobless and remain jobless. Don't read this if you are faint-hearted.
0 Comments15 Minutes